One class period was devoted to marriage and what college girl is not in someway dreaming about marrying the man of her dreams? I took copious notes as if this woman could give me the perfect plan to help find me the perfect husband and plan the perfect wedding (silly college girl). Though I listened ever so carefully, there was no great secret plan unveiled to my disappointment. However, one thought did resonate with me. She said "whatever you decide to spend your wedding budget on, do NOT skimp on your photographer. Skimp everywhere else if you have to, but this memory you want to cherish forever."
I tucked that thought away in the back of my mind, though I was still disappointed about not being given the "find a good man" secret. I tucked it away until I was asked if "I do." It seemed I had stumbled across the perfect man all on my own. As we planned our wedding I remember telling my mom how important the pictures were, we

could save on other venues. Unfortunately for me, Mom did not take Mrs. Stratton's American Family class. A big fancy photographer was just not in the budget.
This was a great tragedy to a newly married bride. Especially when you realize marriage is not the romance novel you quite dreamed up in your mind. Don't get me wrong, I married an amazing man who I fall in love with more everyday but cleaning skid marks in underpants was NOT in the original fantasy!
Alas the years have gone by but that hard lesson has not been forgotten. When it came time for our first child to be born I decided to save up and get the fancy pictures I had always dreamed about. Mrs. Stratton would be pleased to know that I did, finally, apply her class advice to my life. We hired an amazing photographer, Olivia Griffin, and she was worth every penny. No more photo regrets for this family because memories do last forever. . . as long as you catch them in good light.
1 comment:
So funny you should post about this because I was just talking to a friend about this! Love the pictures, by the way.
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